Efficiency is how efficient the item is, based on the strength gained per gold spent.
♦An item's efficiency is a way of showing how efficient the item is compared to other items.
♦The greater the efficiency value, the more strength you will gain per gold spent.
♦The lower the efficiency value, the less strength you will gain per gold spent.
♦The item with an efficiency of 1.0 is the item that all other items are compared to, you could think of it as the default or most standard item of the bunch.
♦Generally cheaper items will have a greater efficiency, however the cost of the item, doesn't determine the efficiency.
Cheap vs Expensive Items.
♦Generally cheaper items will have a greater efficiency.
♦So when spending a specific amount of gold, you would gain more strength buying cheaper items, compared to more expensive items.
♦However the cheaper the item, the more you can buy and since items require a unit to hold them, cheaper items require more units. So buying the cheapest, most efficient item won't mean much if you don't have the units to hold them.
♦Even though expensive items generally have a lower efficiency, they won't require too many units to hold them, so you can train your units else where.
♦Weapon 5 costs 1,000,000 Gold, gives 100,000 strength and has an efficiency of 1.0. (1.0 efficiency means it is compared to all other weapons)
♦Weapon 4 costs 500,000 Gold, gives 60,000 strength and has an efficiency of 1.2.
♦With 100,000,000 Gold to spend.
Weapon 5:
♦Qty can buy: 100,000,000 / 1,000,000 = 100
♦Strength Gained: 100 x 100,000 = 10,000,000
Weapon 4:
♦Qty can buy: 100,000,000 / 500,000 = 200
♦Strength Gained: 200 x 60,000 = 12,000,000
♦By buying x200 of Weapon 4 you will gain 12,000,000 strength instead of 10,000,000.
♦This means that for every 1,000,000 Gold you spend on Weapon 4, you will receive an extra 20,000 strength, there for its Efficiency is x1.2
→120,000 / 100,000 = x1.2
The Efficiency is displayed as the number on the left, under the "Info" column in every Weapon Form, as shown below