Click on a * Issue to reveal its suggestions, or clickto show/show all suggestions.
When something is broken or not working correctly first have a look at the list below to see if any of them relate to your problem, if nothing in the list relates to your problem or the suggestions don't fix the problem then message the admin @Johnny_3_Tears and he will look into it.
If you send the admin a message addressing your problem its helpful to mention the name of the device and web browser you are using, also the operating system if possible.
- Device: whether your using a Computer/Laptop or Mobile/Tablet (and the model/brand of the device)
- Web Browser: Google Chrome / Opera, Firefox (Mozilla), Safari, Internet Explorer / Microsft Edge, Netscape among others
- Operating System: Windows / Mac / Linux (computer/laptop), Android / iOS (mobile/tablet) among others
* The Gold Calculator on the Armory/Training page is not working properly or showing up blank
If the game becomes inaccessible, (i.e blank white page), it could be a number of reasons.
  - If its an issue with my host then it is completely out of my hands and it could last anywhere from a couple of minutes to upto 48 hours (possible longer).
- If it is an issue with the domain, then the game can still be accessed using an alternative domain.
- In rare cases the game can be inaccessible for 1-10 minutes, before being accessable again.
In case the game becomes inaccessible (due to a domain issue), I have copied the game to another one of my domains. Since it is just a copy, within a couple of days of me making this alternate version it will officially become outdated, meaning you must only use this alterate version if the offical MW site inaccessible. If both the official and alternate version are inaccessible it means that it is most likely a host issue. This is the link to the alternate (outdated version). So I would suggest to save it as a bookmark and name it something like "MW - Alternate Version".
Since there is always a chance the game could be down for a small time, or even an extended time. Though emails are no longer required to activate your account, I highly suggest you register with a valid email. Email is the only way I can contact or inform all players with updates in the case of the website being down for a peroid of time. For those who may not be registered with a valid email, you don't have to worry with being flooded with junk emails as I don't ever send any. But its handy having everyones emails incase the game does go offline or crash, so I can send players updates.